What is MEDC’s Role with the City of Marlborough, MA

MEDC is a public-private partnership operating as a sec. 501(c) nonprofit corporation, established by state legislation, Chapter 40 of the Acts of 2007. So, while we work closely with the Marlborough Mayor and City Council, we operate independently from them.

Our role is to work directly with site selectors, developers, investors, and businesses to help them enter, establish and expand in the city. We do this in order to facilitate and foster economic development, improve the quality of life for local residents and, ultimately, stabilize the residential tax rate by expanding the commercial tax base.

We’re funded through an annual transfer from the City of Marlborough’s economic development fund. The account is financed through a 2% local option hotel rooms tax, which was approved and implemented by the Marlborough City Council in 2010.


Meredith Harris

Meredith Harris

Executive Director

Meredith leads the team at MEDC and together with the Mayor, City Council and City Departments works to implement Marlborough’s Economic Development Master Plan.

Linda Martins

Linda Martins

Director of Operations

Along with day-to-day operations, Linda manages the Marlborough Economic Development “Toolbox” Financial Incentive Programs and the Revolving Loan Fund Program.

Lindsey Jaworek

Lindsey Jaworek

Hospitality Outreach Manager

Lindsey joined the MEDC team to continue her passion for the hospitality industry and carry out the mission and objectives of MEDC’s hotel, restaurant and sports tourism initiatives to stimulate growth. 

Michelle Athas

Michelle Athas

Senior Administrator

While overseeing and coordinating the administrative functions of MEDC, Michelle also manages MEDC’s social media presence and provides support to the entire team.