site plan review process
Planning a Development in Marlborough, MA?
Contact MEDC, so we can provide you with all relevant information and help guide you through the application and approval process.
The specific department heads for the City of Marlborough’s Site Plan Review Committee conducts administrative reviews of all proposed projects to ensure compliance with all of the applicable local codes, standards and regulations during regularly scheduled meetings.
Connect with us today for assistance with our services.
Meredith Harris
Call 508-229 2010
1. Confirm Zoning
Confirm that the proposed project will conform to the City of Marlborough Zoning, prior to submitting an informal or formal application.
2. Schedule An Appointment
Schedule a site plan review appointment through the City’s Conservation Department by calling 508-460-3768. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 9:00 AM at City Hall.
3. Complete An Application
Fill out the Marlborough Site Plan Application through the online permitting portal and compile all required documents. Use these helpful links to prepare your application:
4. Preliminary Meetings (optional)
File an application for a preliminary meeting with the Site Plan Review Committee, at least one week prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Preliminary meetings are for guidance only. No determinations are made during these meetings.
5. File Your Application
File your Site Plan Application at least 2 weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Applications must be submitted along with the following:
- Six (6) sets of plans
- Proof of any approved Special Permit/Variance/ or any other similar type of relief
6. Hearing By Site Plan Review Committee
- Once the application, plan(s), and fee have been submitted to the Conservation Department, your appointment to be heard by the Site Plan Review Committee is official.
7. Proof of Public Notice
Proof that the notice has been printed in the newspaper can also be submitted to the Conservation Department or at the time of the meeting.
8. Responsibility Upon Approval
Once the Site Plan Review Committee has approved the plan, a Mylar copy has to be submitted.
“Not only would we consider future development in this great city, but we would recommend developers, businesses and residents consider Marlborough for their respective goals as well.”
–Robert Walker, Developer of Apex Center of New England