*Photo Credit: Ideal Video Strategies

We Have Answers And Are Eager to Help You

Let’s get right down to some quick answers to Frequently Asked Questions about MEDC, the City of Marlborough, licensing, and permitting option, as well as some terminology.

Please contact us if you have any other questions —  we’re here to help you.

What is the MEDC Toolbox? How do I apply?

The MEDC Toolbox provides small business owners and entrepreneurs with the financial resources they need to start, expand, or improve their businesses. The programs have varying eligibility requirements and defray cost through gap financingtax reimbursements, rental assistance, beautification grants, and amenities funding. Find out whether you qualify and learn how to apply for any of the MEDC Toolbox programs.

What is a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)?

A Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is a collection of local moneys that are borrowed by business owners, recycled through repayment and re-used by future borrowers. The Marlborough Area Community Loan Fund is an RLF program that allows companies to secure “gap financing,” which provides a bridge between the funding they have obtained through a private lender and the actual amount they need to start or sustain a business. Learn more about the Marlborough RLF and MEDC’s other financial incentives programs.

What is a priority development site?

Under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 43D, priority development sites are designated parcels that offer businesses expedited permitting within 180 days of application. Companies that choose to locate at one of the ten such sites in the City of Marlborough will also benefit from Tax Increment Financing (TIF), strong support for an Investment Tax Credit application, strategic location off I-495, state-of-the-art infrastructure, pro-business community, and an abundance of city amenities.

What are the steps for the site plan review process?

If you are planning a development in the City of Marlborough, and wish to prepare for a site plan review, please contact MEDC, so we can help guide you through the process. Be sure to read through our Site Plan Review page and familiarize yourself with the City of Marlborough ZoningSite Plan RegulationsSite Plan Application, Landscape Checklist, and Site Plan Review Checklist.

What is a TIF?

TIF stands for Tax Increment Financing. It is an economic development tool that allows municipalities to offer tailored property tax breaks to companies or developers that are looking to invest in an area, in exchange for long-term job creation and commercial tax base expansion.

What is a split-rate tax?

Split-rate tax allows a property to be taxed on two separate rates—one for the land value and one for the building value. Lower rates on buildings encourage owners to maintain them well, while high rates on land discourage land speculation. As a result, properties are built with quality materials and kept in good repair, while land is used more efficiently and in tandem with new or existing infrastructure.

How do I apply for a liquor license?

Liquor licenses are obtained through the City of Marlborough Licensing Board. You can find their information and relevant links here.

How do I obtain a permit (zoning, building, sign)?

The City of Marlborough Office of Inspectional Services handles all permit requests. Information and applications can be found here.

What is a zoning ordinance?

A zoning ordinance is a local law that specifies whether a certain geographic area can be used for commercial or residential purposes. Ordinances also regulate various details about the types of structures that can be built within the zone, including height, placement, size, allowable use, parking requirements, and more. For an example, see the City of Marlborough’s Downtown Village District zoning ordinance.

What is the Local Option Sales Tax on Meals and the revenue used for in Marlborough?

Massachusetts municipalities have the option of collecting a 0.75% tax on meals sold in dining establishments within their district. This tax is charged to purchasers as a separate line item and is collected annually from all vendors. Marlborough implemented the local option meals tax in 2014 in order to raise funds for the upkeep, upgrade, and building of new athletic fields across the city. All money is deposited into Marlborough’s Parks and Fields Development Special Revenue Fund, which had a balance of $462,000 within the first six months of tax collection.

Would you like to know more about MEDC?

  • What does MEDC do? 
  • Did you know MEDC is an independent nonprofit corporation?
  • How are our staff and programs funded?